gentoo-sources-2.6.30-r3 released, all 2.6.30-rX users should update

gentoo-sources-2.6.30-r3 contains a fix for a security flaw that also comes complete with some exploit code.

Apparently, it only affects 2.6.30 so if you gentoo-sources-2.6.30 please upgrade to r3.

I just committed it, so it should hit the mirrors soon after I post this.

Thanks to everyone who brought to my attention and thanks kerframil for the links below that provide additional information.


  1. Trizt

    I have compiled the new 30-r3 kernel a couple of times now, using the same config as I used in 30-r1, but no the kernel don’t execute, sure you didn’t add something that shouldn’t be in the kernel with your fix?

  2. Jorge Morais

    it seems that users of the vanilla sources are getting this error.

    So you could try vanilla-sources- and try to reproduce your bug.

    And in any case you should probably open a bug on Gentoo’s bugzilla.

  3. kerframil

    Trizt, please file a bug if you’re having problems running a newer instance of gentoo-sources. Between -r1 and -r3, the most significant change is that the upstream stable patch was added:

    It’s very uncommon for a 2.6.X.Y stable patch to introduce a regression but not impossible. In any case, is the place for this.

  4. kerframil

    Oops, typo – I meant to say “upstream stable patch” in the previous post.

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